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So you think you have a Ghost do you ?

ghost /goust/,n., 1. The disembodied spirit of a dead
person wandering among and haunting living persons.

Apparition /æpèrisén/, n 1. a ghostly appearance; a
spectre or phantom. 2. anything that appears, esp,
something remarkable or phenominal. 3. the act of
appearing. [LL appârito, in L service] -              
apparitional, adj

Well thats the Macquarie Concise Dictionary version anyway
The version i prefer and stick by is from the
by Rosemary Ellen Guiley, which is where i will be drawing my descriptions from
in these pages.

The supernormal manifestation of people, animals, objects, and spirits. Most apparitions
are of living people or animals who are to distant to be perceived by normal senses.
Apparitions of the dead are also called Ghosts.

Most apparition experiences feature noises, unusual smells, extreme cold, and the
displacement of objects. Other phenomena include visual images, tactile sensations,
voices the apparent psychokinetic movement of objects and so on. Visual images
are seen in only a small percentage of reported cases

There are at least 7 types of apparitions, click on the links below
to find the apparition you are being visited by plus the cost of moving
them along, you will find our prices most reasonable

  1. Crisis Apparitions
  2. Apparitions of the dead
  3. Collective apparitions
  4. Reciprocal apparitions
  5. Veridical apparitions
  6. Deathbed apparitions
  7. Apparitions in cases suggestive of reincarnation
ghostly hand protruding from a TV set

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